Witnessing the wisdom and the power of God in Christ Jesus in all spheres and to all peoples


Never remind God of the Old days he saved you from, by desiring to return to it, rather be grateful to God for his deliverance from time past even though, those days were filled with pleasure founded on ungodliness.

Taking such postures of thoughts will only make God be against you because you have decided to put on the garment of unbelief. And without faith, you can’t please God. He can not do business with you.

We get into such problems when a couple of discomforts show up in our lives that we abhor. In our frustrations, we begin to curse God. Questioning him as unfaithful, we become quick to forget the mercies and faithfulness of God in our lives when he kept us daily and helped us out with things we shouldn’t have gotten.

Victory with God requires a continuous posture of gratitude for the things he has done, is doing, and will do, despite the storm around us. God never promised there will be no storms, he promised he will be there with us through it. Which is an assurance of victory at the end itself.

Do not nag against God: When you do that, you are putting a railing accusation against God. That is a fight against God and you do not want to be fighting against God, because you will definitely lose.

Learn the heart of gratitude, and imbibe the ways, be steadfast about it. Don’t think too much about what is not there, rather think much about what is there, that is for your good. Rather than nag, make your request known to God through supplication and thanksgiving.

Rejoice all day and let your soul be filled with Joy. Holding onto the feelings of depression and anxiety will not help and has never helped anyone than destroy them.

So choose Joy: Choose to have Joy in your life and in your house. Let the atmosphere of Joy not depart from your tent.

Rejoice in the God of your salvation;
again I say rejoice guys.

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